This company has been formed and registered in Pondicherry, South India so as to offer integrated solutions in the field of renewable energy and eco-sustainable systems for different scales of projects. The areas of offering solutions are:
- Solar heating for water
- Solar heating for cooking
- Solar Lighting
- Solar Heating and Cooling of Building Spaces
- Rain water harvesting and recycling
- Sewerage treatment through Reed bed technology, Biogas and Recycling
- Grey water treatment and recycling
- Composting of kitchen waste, garden waste and efficient utilisation of the generated waste heat - Jean Pain system developed in Belgium.
- Architectural designing incorporating at the design stage the above, or in existing projects, integrating eco-sustainable systems.
- Architectural designing incorporating Vaastu, Geobiology energy
principles along with Eco Sustainable Systems, so that every
building, every project can be designed and made totally self-
supporting and independent.
- In future, encourage, promote, fund, New Researches that will help
lead to more efficient systems of Renewable or Eco Sustainable
- Such as bio-fuel cells,
- More efficient high speed vertical/horizontal windmills,
- Solar powered electric cars,etc.
The projects where these integrated solutions can be incorporated would be:
Existing or Proposed Individual Houses, Villa Developments, Apartment Dwellings, Community Developments, Existing or Proposed Commercial Institutions, Special Economic Zones and Small Townships.
Eco-sustainable systems and renewable energy solutions for these developments and other applications, this Company proposes to incorporate in the conceptual design stage of any such projects, so as to ensure vertical and horizontal integration with other design elements, technologies, functionality, and efficiency.
With this in mind, the Company proposes to bring together on a common platform - manufacturers and suppliers of Eco Sustainable Systems and Renewable Energy solutions, so as to use the most efficient and economical energy solutions and resources, available within India or abroad, so as to provide INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS to clients, which nobody is doing presently. This Company will act as a CONSULTANT in providing the right, efficient and economical solutions to suit the customers’ needs, and offer vendors for the systems proposed, who would supply, erect, commission and maintain the systems. The company does not propose to manufacture or maintain any of the systems proposed.
The initial objectives of this Company would be:
- To begin with identifying manufacturers and suppliers for system solutions in Renewable Energy and Eco-sustainable practices in India and abroad.
- Gaining information on existing technologies, developing relationships with proposed vendors with regard to development of specifications, costs, technology awareness, system implementation and maintenance,.
This initial process, is estimated to take between 3-6 months.
The need for using Renewable Energy and Eco Sustainable solutions, arises from the fact that given the weather conditions in India, the potential is very large, which is yet to be fully exploited. The concept of Green Architecture is becoming more and more acceptable the world over. Along with the high peak of oil prices, it has rudely awakened the people to search for alternatives, and not be taken by surprises in the future, as energy, water, food resources are bound to become more and more critical, as human population is increasing, and so is the demand for these.
This integrated approach, in order to be effective, will need to educate the clients on various ways and means of saving on energy, the various appropriate Eco Sustainable technologies on hand that can help. Also, how it is in their interest, to have an integrated approach for their existing, present or proposed project, to maximize their benefits. Ideally, this integrated approach should be incorporated in any project’s conceptual stages, so as to select the most efficient, cost-effective, eco-sustainable technologies, architectural designs and practice.
Initially, for a period of one or two years, this company would take up projects with known people who are interested in such an integrated Eco Sustainable approach, so that we develop our own working and co-ordination skills, specifications and a team that can deliver not only in India but around the world.